Dances of Universal Peace
at Dancing Peacock Paradise
near Gainesville & Ocala, Florida
“The Dances are very peaceful moving meditations to live acoustic instrumentation. Choreographed Dances are learned easily on the spot. They are often exhilarating & are a beautiful way to spend an afternoon & evening. Enjoy a vegetarian potluck dinner, & after more dancing in the early evening, have conversation & luscious desserts before leaving for home.”
— Elizabeth
2:00 – 2:45 Arrive, check-in, enjoy nature, meet people
3:00 – 5:00 Dances led by DiAnahita
5:00 – 5:30 Group photo, walking the property, sitting by
the lake, setting up potluck dinner
5:45 – 6:45 Dinner at the cottage by the lake
7:00 – 8:30 Zikr
8:30 – 9:00 Desserts & Socializing