Our Annual “Gratitude” Dance
Near Gainesville & Ocala, Florida
Directions will be sent when you RSVP
Open for Event 2:00 ~ 9:00 PM
Dancing begins at 3:00 ~ Please arrive by 2:30 to check in & begin together. Potluck to the cottage; Desserts to the house.
Vegetarian Potluck Dinner at 6:00
Zikr at 7:00
Donation $10, plus potluck dish or $5
$25 to spend the night ~ Please Reserve in Advance

~ 2012 Thanksgiving Dancers ~

Blessed always, Blessed always
For the love of God surrounds us
Let our joy be so triumphant
That we rest in God & say Amen

We receive this Bounty
singing Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!

Responses to Past Thanksgiving Dances
Thank you for your generosity at Dancing Peacock Paradise honoring the words of Samuel Lewis to “Eat, Dance and Pray Together”. The opportunity to express gratitude, especially in the context of such beauty & with kindred spirits, feels like one of the supreme blessings of my life. With ongoing gratitude! Love, Baraka
Alhamdulillah & Ya Shakur, Beloved DiAnahita, for creating, offering & sharing your inspired, joyous, reverent gifts in the Circle, & through the glorious day. Many Blessings, Sukaynah
Thanks for the opportunity to play for dancers with such talented musicians in beautiful surroundings.
I felt my spirit was lightened with a song in my heart when I left & generally just full of love & support, inspiration & care. LOVE the dances. Thanks as always for your gift!!
Thank you for the beautiful event to Dance gratitude with our community at your Amazing home, decorated in beautiful fall accents. the grounds, our wonderful meal together, your leadership in teaching, & especially for the interesting discussion, inspirational in so many ways. This conversation continues in my mind … a blessing.

Upcoming North Central Florida Events
Thanksgiving Saturday, Nov. 27 at Peacock Paradise
RSVP or email to FLRetreats@gmail.com so you will get a reminder & detailed information.
Christmas Day at Peacock Paradise. 2:30 – 9:00 PM, as usual
Join us when your family holiday is done, for a spiritual infusion!
New Year’s Eve ~ Global Peace Dance
Gainesville (TBA) 7:30 – 10:00 PM