New Zealand virtual dance weekend

January 2022

Upcoming North Central Florida Events

4th Saturdays January – April  (as conditions permit) at Dancing Peacock Paradise

The next scheduled Dances of Universal Peace event at
Dancing Peacock Paradise near Ocala, Florida, we hope will be the 4th Saturday, January 22
Stay tuned for confirmation & details at 
The Yellow Gate to Peacock Paradise

Christmas Day 2021 at Dancing Peacock Paradise

I actually loved that it was a small group. I was able to more deeply drop into my heart & my body & feel the spirit of each dance.  Very lovely way to spend Christmas.  Thanks so much, Diana, for opening your home, your voice & your spirit in this way.  Blessings,


Thanks for a beautiful day in the midst of Old Florida with dancing & singing & laughing & celebrating Christmas! “


Christmas day was very uplifting, warm, energetic, inspirational & comforting.  I always appreciate the praying dancing singing spiritual practices & connections with spiritual family. Di Anahita, you are a light & I’m so grateful to share the path with you. You are getting more beautiful all the time in many ways & I sense a deeper sweetness & hear it in your voice. Love & Light, Greg

Oh hi there 👋
It’s nice to meet you.

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