Upcoming North Central Florida Events
4th Saturdays January – April (as conditions permit) at Dancing Peacock Paradise

Dancing Peacock Paradise near Ocala, Florida, we hope will be the 4th Saturday, January 22.
Stay tuned for confirmation & details at www.PeacockParadise.org
The Yellow Gate to Peacock Paradise
Christmas Day 2021 at Dancing Peacock Paradise

“I actually loved that it was a small group. I was able to more deeply drop into my heart & my body & feel the spirit of each dance. Very lovely way to spend Christmas. Thanks so much, Diana, for opening your home, your voice & your spirit in this way. Blessings,“
“Thanks for a beautiful day in the midst of Old Florida with dancing & singing & laughing & celebrating Christmas! “
Christmas day was very uplifting, warm, energetic, inspirational & comforting. I always appreciate the praying dancing singing spiritual practices & connections with spiritual family. Di Anahita, you are a light & I’m so grateful to share the path with you. You are getting more beautiful all the time in many ways & I sense a deeper sweetness & hear it in your voice. Love & Light, Greg