Dances of Universal Peace at Dancing Peacock Paradise
Our Next Dance Event
Saturday, 25 September 2021
at Dancing Peacock Paradise

We plan to dance here again on 4th Saturdays starting in the fall
Saturday, September 25, 2021
Circle that date on your calendar!

Unfortunately, the
Thomas Center in Gainesville is not yet open for indoor groups this summer.
We have reserved the Thomas Center for next year, July 23rd, 2022.

Illuminating the Shadow ~ The Sufi writings of Moineddin Carl Jablonski (1942-2001), the spiritual successor of Samuel L. Lewis, founder of the Dances of Universal Peace & originator of the Sufi Ruhaniat International. At the time of Murshid Sam’s passing in 1971, Pir Moineddin was 29 years old. He served the Ruhaniat for 30 years. The book weaves autobiography, letters, poems, articles & interviews to provide a unique glimpse of an illuminated Western-born mystic. Jablonski faced enormous inner & outer challenges as he sought to establish an authentic, living Sufi tradition in the West, one not based on wealth or family privilege.
“We are indeed entering a new era of humanity, a time of massive inner & outer change & growth. Earth herself is giving birth to what she must become. Upheaval—personal, societal, & geologic—are the labor & birth pangs which will create greater consciousness of spiritual reality for all.”
—Moineddin Jablonski

August 18, 2021, 1:00 – 2:00 PM
College of Central Florida retired Professor Diana Kanoy combines experience as educator, nature lover, and lakeside dweller to create a presentation about alligators that surprises, elucidates, and entertains. She Swims with Alligators, illustrated with stunning color photos by Floridian nature photographers, presents little-known facts, dispels myths, and shares imaginative poetry inspired by our saurian neighbors.
Dr. Kanoy weaves her poetic yet practical tales of true adventure swimming in rural Florida waters through three parallel perspectives of prose, poetry, and photography! Learn how to be safe around Florida waters while enjoying many points of view, including the alligators’ own.
Both humor and seriousness are underpinned by environmental awareness and a deep appreciation for the spirit of nature. The author will sign copies of her book following this presentation.