Wednesday, February 19 Tigert House
224 NE 10th Ave., Gainesville, Florida 7:00 PM
"The Truth and the Way"
Reading from Hazrat Inayat Khan
Prayers, Practices, Teachings, Sharing
Please RSVP
Coming down the half mile driveway is a scenic experience. Be sure to drive slowly taking in the green field on the left with mama cows & calves, & on the right "driveway parks" carved out of the wild woods to highlight the big trees flowing with Spanish moss. It's always important to drive slowly keeping a watchful eye for tortoises who may be munching grass, & staying in the tracks, off the grass, median or sides. Puddles, if present, are not deep, & the tracks are hard underneath, so you can drive right through them, unlike the sides with may be soft & mucky. Enjoy the trip!
I am one with the Heart of the Mother
I am one with the Heart of Love I am one with the Heart of the Father
I am one with God. Ave Maria, Kyrie Eleison Let me Remember,
Let me Remember
Let me Remember
I am one with God.
Spring Dance Dates
4th Saturdays at
Dancing Peacock Paradise
March 22
April 27
May 25
Dancing in Fernandina
Looking here and there, Searching everywhere
In teachers and books and holy shrines.
I’m in your own heart...Seek me in your own heart...I’m in your own heart,
I am there...Find me there
I am here...Find me here
Saturday February 1st, 2014 Fernandina Beach, Florida
images of our Global Peace Dance New Year's Eve 2013, Gainesville, Florida
. Sufi Gathering in Gainesville Third Wednesdays
Photos by Patrick Harrigan and Comments by Participants
Global Peace Dance, New Year's Eve 2013, Gainesville, Florida
Thank you so very much for going above and beyond (against all odds!)
I am so happy to have experienced the dance for the New Year.
"A Secret One" was sublime. Tee Lee
It was just wonderfully fulfilling FULFILLING! Lane Devereaux
Healing Dance
1. Ya Shafee, ya Khafee
Sidestep left, hands toward center,
wrists crossed with neighbors 2. Let me do thy will, Allah
Face partner or walk left.
Open hands raised high, bringing
hands down, folding over heart Allah, Allah
Offer heart in cupped palms, opening
up & out, as a cup, offering love. 3. La illaha illa 'llah (inner circle) shoulder to shoulder, fingers interlaced
Thanks you Diana for your leadership in creating & sustaining this event over the years, and to Patrick for his excellent photography. Isabel
I especially like the picture of the 3 different types of shoes: a clever shot that says a lot about how the dances are open to all types. I really liked the song at the end with the bells. What a great way to "ring" in the new year! Jean McCauley * more photos
Beloved Lord, Almighty God,
Through the rays of the sun,
Through the waves of the air,
Through the all-pervading life in space,
Purify and revivify me, and I pray
Heal my body, heart and soul. Hazrat Inayat Khan
"On a metaphysical level, when you sing your heart opens. That's why
all religions & traditions have made so much of singing in their rituals.
When the heart opens, you feel good. It's that simple." Deva Premal
"Dancing Peacock Paradise is an amazing space to deepen dance practice. It is very beautiful and inviting, an experience not to be missed. I have spent wonderful, magical days here over the years and cherish all. I look forward to returning."
-Sophia Shunny Silver City, New Mexico
Dances of Universal Peace honor religious traditions of the world by chanting phrases from holy scriptures & oral traditions.
Everything is taught in the moment as we join our voices together.