Dances of Universal Peace
Lyrics to some Dances
we may do at
Dancing Peacock Paradise
Teach us to Remember & to Thy Grace Surrender
Show Lord the way of Love,
Show Lord the way of Light,
Show Lord the way of Truth,
Show Lord the way of Life
Ashem Vohu, Ashem Vohu
Ashem Vohu, Ashem Vohu
Alleluia, Alleluia
Kyrie Eleison, Kyrie, Kyrie
Christi Eleison, Christi Christi
Om Śrī Ram, Jai Ram, Jai Jai Ram
Om Śrī Ram, Jai Ram, Jai Jai Ram
Christ has no body now on earth but yours
no hands but yours
no feet but yours
Yours are the eyes through which he pours out
compassion unto the world
yours are the hands blessing me now
All praise to the One.
Siyakudumisa, Siyakudumisa, Siyakudumisa
N'kosi ye thu
Shekina, Shekina,
Shekina, Shekina
La illaha il Allah, La illaha il Allah
La illaha il Allah Hu
Er Rahman, Er Rahim
Er Rahman, Er Rahim
Blessed always, Blessed always
For the love of God Surrounds us
Let our joy be so triumphant
That we rest in God
And say Amen
Altisimo Corizon, Altisimo Corizon,
Altisimo Corizon, Que Floresqua
Que Floresqua la luz, Que Floresqua la luz,
Que Floresqua la luz, Que Floresqua
Ishq Allah Mabood Lillah (God is love, lover, and beloved)
Ishq Allah Mabood Lillah (God is love, lover, and beloved)
Hu Allah, Hu Al-lah, Hu Allah Hu Allah, Hu Al-lah, Hu Al-lah
Ahavah Raba ahava raba Ahavtanu
Ahavah Raba ahava raba Ahavtanu
With a great love God has loved us
Ahavah raba Ahavtanu
With a great love God has loved us
Ahavah raba Ahavtanu
Only Love is Flowing here Only Love is Flowing here
Only Love is Flowing here Only Love is Flowing here
La illaha il Allah La illaha il Allah
La illaha il Allah La illaha il Allah
Come comeUnity, Come comeUnity
Weave our lives together in Love
Come comeUnion, Come comeUnion
Yoke our hearts and minds as One
It's always there, you only need to ask
It's always there, you only need to call
From heaven pours the light Into the heart of all
From heaven pours the light Into the heart of all
Govinda Jaya Jaya, Gopala Jaya Jaya
Radha Ramana Hare, Govinda Jaya Jaya
Govinda Jaya Jaya, Gopala Jaya Jaya
Radha Ramana Hare, Govinda Jaya
Dissolving, rebirthing Hu, Say Hu
Dissolving, rebirthing Hu, Say Hu
Allah Hu, Allah Hu, Allah Hu, Allah Hu
Isis, Astarte, Diana, Hecate, Demeter, Kali, Inanna
As the light filleth the crescent moon.
One Bread, One Body, One Lord of All
One cup of blessing which we share
And we, though many, Throughout the Earth,
We are one body in this One Lord.
Southern Gospel
This little light of mine - I'm gonna let it shine (3x) Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine!

From Lila
Shakur Allah Shakur, Allah Allah (whispered)
Shakur Allah shakur, Allah Allah
Shakur Allah shakur, Allah Allah
Shakur Allah Allah
Each breath I take is through Thy Grace 3x
Each breath I take is through Thy Grace
Shakur Allah, Shakur Allah, Shakur allah allah 4x
He kehau, He kehau
Ho ‘o ma ‘ay ma ‘ay, Ho ‘o ma ‘ay ma ‘ay
Ke aloha, Ke aloha
Do you know how much your love means?
Do you know how many hearts you've lifted?
Do you know your love is healing?
What a beautiful feeling.
Do you know your love is precious?
It warms me like the shining sun.
Keep shining through the darkest season;
Our love has such a perfect reason.
Water of Life, cleanse my soul.
Fire of Truth, burn away my fear.
Wind of the Spirit, let my being soar.
Mother Earth, heal me again.
He kehau, He kehau
Ho ‘o ma ‘ay ma ‘ay, Ho ‘o ma ‘ay ma ‘ay
Ke aloha, Ke aloha
Om Mani Peme Hung
Al Jabbar, Al Jabbar, Al Jabbar, Al Jabbar.
Heal our wounds, Set our bones.
Mend our hearts, Restore our hopes.
Ya shafee, Ya khafee
Let me do Thy Will Allah, Allah, Allah
Let me do Thy Will Allah, Allah, Allah
La illaha Il Allah.
This is not my body, This is the Temple of God.
This is not my heart, This is the Altar of God.
From Allaudin
Freely give, freely receive
Freely give, freely receive
Hand in hand to a hand in need
Freely give, freely receive
Do what you can, plant a seed
Freely give, freely receive
Alleluia Alleluia, Alleluia Allelu
Ancestors, sky people all here today
Hear my heartsong, hear my respect, Hear my love.
Hear my grateful tears fall.
I am truly blessed.
You are truly blessed.
We are truly blessed.
"Moravian Blessing"
Be present at our table Lord.
Be here and everywhere adored.
From Thine all-bounteous hand, our food
May we receive with gratitude.
Sarva Mangalam (Happiness to everyone)
Hands Open, hearts open welcome to our Circle of Love
Hands open, hearts open
Welcome to our circle of Love.
Halleluiah, Halleluiah Love is here, Alhamdulillah
Halleluiah, Halleluiah Love is here, Alhamdulillah
Circle of Love, Circle of Joy, Praise be to Ram
Sarva Mangalam
Come, Come whoever you are
Come, come, whoever you are
Even though you've broken your vows
A thousand times, come, come again.
Ya Mevlana, Ruh Allah, La illaha il la ‘llah
Ya Mevlana, Ruh Allah, La illaha il la ‘llah. Ya Al-lah
Anta'l Hadi, Anta'l Haqq
Antally Hadi, Antally HaqqLa illa hey illa hu
You are a Footprint
You are a footprint of a miracle
You are a handshake with the invisible
Didn't they tell you - Didn't they ever tell you
I should have told you - How could they tell you Hu
To be a dervish is very easy
Just fill with love until you are empty
Didn't they tell you - Didn't they ever tell you
I should have told you - How could they tell you Hu
Let the beauty
Great Mother, Blessed Be
Om Śrī Ram jai Ram jai jai Ram
Ahura Mazda
Buddha, Elohim, Alaha, Allah
Toward the One
Let the beauty we love be what we do
There are hundreds of ways
To kneel and kiss the ground.
Toward the One
This is how I would die into the love I have for you.
This is how I would die into the love I have for you.
As pieces of cloud dissolve in sunlight.
As pieces of cloud dissolve in sunlight.
Estafourallah Hayy
Estafouralllah, Estafouralllah
Estafourallah Hayy Hayy, Estafourallah
Mutu kabla
Mutu Qabla, Anta mutu
Mutu Qabla, Anta mutu
La illaha Il Allah, La illaha il Allah
Be nice to Camels
Be nice to camels They are really neat.
Be nice to camels, "Cause they have big feet.
Walking together In a caravan
Living together Standing in the sand.
Mohammed loves camels, Feeds them every day
He rides his camels To places fare away.
At night in the desert, They will keep him warm.
Lying together, Sheltered from the storm.
Camels come in sizes, One hump or two
Walking through t the desert, They will carry you.
On long legs they travel, Walking in the sun
Swaying together Moving Toward the One.
Be nice to camels They are really neat.
Be nice to camels, Cause they have big feet.
On long legs they travel, Walking in the sun
Swaying together Moving Toward the One.