Dances of Universal Peace
December 2020
Dancing Peacock Paradise
Only three gatherings occurred in 2020
"To care about one's health is the most religious thing there is,
because health of body & mind enables one to do service to God & humanity, accomplishing life's purpose." Hazrat Inayat Khan
Individual Practices we can do:
"Singing in a natural pitch of our own voice will be a source of our own healing
as well as that of others." Hazrat Inayat Khan
"Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth
find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts."
Rachel Carson, Silent Spring
"Power of spiritual healing depends upon warmth of heart,
a kind glance, & good thoughts."
Hazrat Inayat Khan
"Wisdom is attained in solitude."
Hazrat Inayat Khan
Prayer ~ Nayaz
Beloved Lord, Almighty God
Through the rays of the sun
Through the waves of the air
Through the all-pervading life in space
Purify & revivify us, and we pray
Heal our bodies, hearts, & souls
"When you sing HU, you are spiritualizing your attention. You are saying, 'I am putting all my attention, heart, & soul upon the highest good I can imagine.'"
Harold Klemp, The Sound of Soul
Singing with a community group - with no auditions or high-pressure performances - increases happiness & aids recovery from mental-health problems. When researchers interviewed participants in weekly singing workshops, amateur vocalists reported that feelings of belonging, well-being, & confidence rose afterwards.
Medical Humanities, Dec, 2017
When will we meet again?
As soon as we can safely dance and sing together,
you will be invited to Peacock Paradise!
Meanwhile, here are some 2020 updates at Dancing Peacock Paradise:
- Wachee the Great Pyrennes grew up!
- Shizari & Dumuzi, the Himalayan cats, made kittens.
- The peafowl had chicks & the rooster protected the hens as they laid eggs.
- Mike, our handyman, got married to Hayley with DiAnahita officiating.
- Diana wrote a book, She Swims with Alligators, much of which takes place right here at Beauty Lake! A future newsletter will reveal it.
May All Beings be Well
May all beings be Happy
Peace, Peace, Peace