Dances of Universal
July 25th 2015
Zikr in the Gazebo
with DiAnahita
Click to view photos from our July 2015 event.
July 25, 2015 – Starlight Zikr in the Gazebo
Dancing Peacock Paradise, north-central Florida
The practice of zikr
is a profound way to generate light & healing within the body, heart & mind, and to recognize our true nature.
It helps us cultivate refinement, strength, equanimity, wisdom and bliss, & hastens the awakening of all humanity.
It is an invitation to acceptance of self and other, as well as an occasion to look deeply at that which is longing to be transformed. ~ Murshida Leilah Be
The secret treasure is what we value & pursue in life. What a person values is a gauge of realization. ~ Pir Vilayat
Your hope in my heart
is the rarest treasure....
I can’t live in this world
Without remembering You ~ Rabia
“When I am with you,
we stay up all night.
When you're not here, I can't go to sleep.
Praise God for those two insomnias!
And the difference between them.”
~ Rumi
2015 Florida Dance Camp
Thurs – Sun, Oct 29 – Nov 1
Dances of Universal Peace
& Sufi Practices
Warren Willis Camp #2, Leesburg
Halima & Abraham are senior teachers for the Sufi Ruhaniat International and Dances of Universal Peace.
Inspired musicians & elders, they bring joy & clarity to the path of awakening.
Abraham is an original student of Murshid Samuel Lewis (creator of DUP).
Halima also caught her love of the Dances directly from Murshid Sam.
Save the Date! Registration soon!
God's patience is "comfortable and sweet like a summer's night."
A racoon, startled in the palmettos, jumped into a Florida river & landed for a ride on a surprised alligator!
July 15 Sufi Study Circle
Tee Lee & David’s House
4901 NW 37th Drive, Gainesville 32605 RSVP for Directions
Zikr is the Spiritual Practice of remembrance of the Divine for the Sufi, the seeker of love. It is likened to entering an oasis or a watering hole, where seekers can go to refresh themselves & drink a cup of wine with their Beloved.
Murshid Samuel L. Lewis
(Sufi Ahmed Murad Chisti)
- one experiences reality in Zikr
- when one completely dissolves in the remembrance of Unity.
"Even to utter the name of God is a blessing that can fill the soul with light, joy, and happiness as nothing else can do." ~ Hazrat Inayat Khan
Walk to the well
Turn as the earth & the moon turn
circling what they love.
Whatever circles
comes from the center.
~ Rumi & Coleman Barks
Upcoming Dances
with DiAnahita
Saturday, August 22
Gainesville Retreat Center
4-6 pm followed by potluck dinner
Saturday, September 26
Resume 4th Saturday Dances
at Peacock Paradise
Health Warning!
DO NOT wash hair in the shower!
Shampoo runs down your body.
Printed very clearly on the shampoo label this warning;
No wonder I've been gaining weight!
I got rid of that shampoo
& I am now showering with
Dawn Dishwashing Soap.
Its label reads