Dances of Universal
Saturday January 27th 2018
Dancing Peacock Paradise
Click on either photo to view photos of our January 2018 event.
Kwan Yin, Bodhisatva of Compassion, in "Royal Ease" pose
Honoring the Divine Feminine, we welcome men & women to join in as we balance sacred energy with songs inspired by Goddess traditions of the world.
Let the chants & movements take us to the warm heart within
Arrive between 2 & 2:45
Dancing begins at 3:00
Potluck Dinner 5:30
Candlelight Evening Dance & Zikr 6:30
$10 Suggested Donation + vegetarian potluck or + $5
Reserve in advance for lodging
Our annual Global Peace Dance on New Year's Eve in Gainesville
I loved being able to help out. Everything & everyone looked beautiful & the dancers were having a splendid time. Susan Cary
She changes everything She touches
And everything She touches changes
Everything lost is found again,
In a new form, in a new way
Everything hurt is healed again,
In a new time, in a new day
Change is, Touch is,
Touch is, Change is
Change us, Touch us,
Touch us, Change us
-from the Goddess Invocation: Koré Chant
"We long for & envision a world in which respect, recognition, & social, political, & moral equality are granted to the qualities of nurturance, intuition, harmony,
& to other qualities attributed to Wisdom of the Feminine."
Sufi Ruhaniat International
Dearest DiAnahita, Thank you once again, for the great blessing of immersion in the living stream of Love, Harmony & Beauty. In grateful surrender, I was held, guided & supported in the arms & hearts of you, our Beloved leader, & our sweet Circle
of spiritual family & friends, on Christmas, in Paradise! There is nowhere else I'd rather be.
. . Sukaynah
I really appreciate all your time, practice & effort that goes into a successful dance that looks so simple to an untrained eye. Joy
After fun family time in North FL,
I made time to stop, pause & go inside. Spent New Year's Eve singing and dancing at the ever-beautiful Dances of Universal Peace celebration in Gainesville, under the masterful guidance of Diana Kanoy. Was lucky enough to have a couple of quiet days at her retreat center, Dancing Peacock Paradise, walking the labyrinth, counting my blessings, & setting my intention for the New Year. May we all find balance this year between nourishing the inner, & nourishing the outer. Trish Magyari
"Our goal should be to live life in Radical Amazement" Rabbi Heschel
Dance music stayed with me for days!
I actually played some of the DUP music next morning from my accumulated sheet music.
Love & gratitude, Isabel
Hazrat Inayat Khan: “I see as clear as daylight that the hour is coming when women will lead humanity to a higher evolution.”
Sufi Gathering - Wed, Jan 17
Studying the words of
Hazrat Inayat Khan
& participating in spiritual practices.
RSVP for more information
An early women's dance circle