Dances of Universal
"Germination of Consciousness"
Saturday, March 28th
with DiAnahita & musicians
Click to view photos from our March 2015 event.
A seed of God grows into God
Let yourself go, let God be God in you.
Meister Eckhart, 13th century creation mystic
Can you Imagine ~ such lavish gratitude! Ya Majid!
The Dance Circle was glorious!
An entrancing interweaving of the sacred, Mother Nature, the mundane & the divine. DiAnahita, the Dance Leader, inspired, embraced, & energized us so joyously, regaling us with stories, songs & dances from her recent trip to New Zealand!
Glorious Love & Gratitude Blessings, Sukaynah
Fun energetic songs & Maori dances. Everyone outdid themselves with a plethora of food! Konnie
A wonderful time of dancing & eating & socializing! All the Maori dances & rhythms were lovely & fun. I especially liked the evening Hawaiian Hu Allah.
Love, Nancy
The Dances of Universal Peace were planted in the heart of Murshid Samuel Lewis, himself a gardener, when he visited the tomb of a Sufi Saint in India. Pir Vilayat encouraged the dance creation by telling Sufi S.A.M. about the whirling dervishes of Turkey.
“The creation of a thousand forests
is in one acorn.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Contemplate now the seed of potential that is awakened within your own heart. Soon the tender seedlings of the new consciousness will be visible to you - these small & subtle manifestations hold the blueprint for all that is to come. Great things so often have very humble beginnings. Sophia
Life is not only lived at the level of physical experience, nor only at the level of thought, nor only at the level of feeling, but also, & most importantly, at a still higher level of consciousness, where the self is no more the barrier separating reality from illusion....
At this level of consciousness, there are neither limitations nor opposites, nor is there any relationship with pre-conceived ideas, such as those expressed in all dogmatic religious interpretations of Truth. ~ Hazrat Inayat Khan
Join us to uplift your spirit & expand consciousness..
Wonder–full Literally! You've traveled the globe to bring such incredible treasures. I felt completely transported by yesterday's immersion in the Maori songs & dances. Of particular interest were the stories you shared about deeper meanings of the words. I felt exhilarated to be in your circle the company of such vibrant spirits... savoring the beauty & deliciousness of the occasion. What you have created for the rest of us is truly priceless! I keep marveling that your mind can orchestrate what it does for you with such apparent seamlessness:
Recalling & Enunciating so many strange new words,
Elaborating their deeper meaning,
Teaching the melody, Demonstrating movements,
Interjecting reminder lyrics,
Playing your guitar, Cueing the musicians,
Putting it all together, Plus! ENJOYING YOURSELF!
In the dazzle of this complexity, your joyful spirit was more fully & freely expressed than I can everremember.
Bless you, Baraka
The first Sufi Dance flier
hand drawn in those days!
This Weekend in Sarasota
Upcoming! For your Anticipation!
Sunday, April 19, 7:00 – 9:00PM
Dancing for Healing the Earth
for “Climate Change Awareness” Month
Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Gainesville, FL
Saturday, April 25, 2:00 – 9:00
Dancing Peacock Paradise
4th Saturday Dance
Saturday, June 20, 4 – 6PM
Solstice Celebration
Unity of Citrus, Lecanto, FL
Visit Rainbow Springs beforehand!
| connect with each other & the All...deeper, quieter